MS Practice will begin on Monday, November 16th at Wallace Building Gymnasium. Practice will be Monday through Friday with the exception that when matches are held there is no practice. Wrestlers that are physically in school will stay at school, do homework prior to practice to alleviate additional transportation required from parents. Students that are fully remote, hybrid days at home will need to find a ride to the High School by 3:00 to lift or 3:45 for the bus to Wallace.
Middle School Schedule:
2:30 School dismissal
2:30-2:45 wrestlers should report to the Athletic Loop (near windows overlooking the football field)
3:00 wrestlers will need to be in the weight room for lifting or homework
3:45 wrestlers will meet at the gymnasium lobby for bus to Wallace for practice.
4:00-6:00 practice at Wallace
6:15 parents pick up wrestlers at the rear of Wallace
Baldwin Whitehall Youth Wrestling Association is the booster program for youth wrestling through High School in our district. The fundraising we do provides the funds necessary to buy extra equipment and provide additional wrestling opportunities for all levels of wrestling throughout the district.
Who can be a wrestler? All 7th and 8th grade students (boys & girls) who attend the Baldwin-Whitehall School District. Wrestling is a relatively safe contact sport and is excellent for students of all shapes and sizes; however, due its physical nature it may not be suitable for everyone.
When and where are practices held? Starting November 16th, practices will be held Monday through Friday after school at Wallace, a bus will transport the wrestlers after school.
What equipment is needed? All wrestlers are required to wear wrestling shoes, shorts, and a t-shirt for practice. Headgear (ear protection) and a singlet are required for matches. A competition singlet will be provided by the School District.
7th and 8th grade students interested in wrestling should contact Mr. Bilbie at [email protected].